Welcome to Open5e!

The best open-source resource for 5e content.

Projects we love

Slyflourish A.K.A. "The Lazy DM"

The Lazy Dungeon Master is a masterwork of a guide for anyone aspiring to run Dungeons & Dragons or any RPG. Check out How to Be a Great D&D Dungeon Master , even if you're an expert. I can guarantee you'll learn something.

I'd also like to recommend Playing D&D Can Save Your Life, an inspiring take on the role of fantasy and play in mental health.


Legendkeeper is a campaign manager based around maps that I've personally supported from their days on Patreon, and they've added a ton of great features recently. If you're looking to manage a campaign and like thinking visually, they're going to be right up your alley.

Supporting and Contributing

Contribute on Github

The Open5e site and API are both open-source on Github! Join us as a contributor and help develop new features and tools.

Hey! Stuff is missing!

Some content you may be expecting was not released as part of the 5e SRD, so we aren’t allowed to include it in this site.

We are hoping to fill in the gaps using quality homebrew and 3rd party OGL content. Contact us or make a pull request if you know something we should add!

Our tech stack

Want to know what you'd be getting into?

DRF API server. A powerful Python-based REST Framework.

VueJs UI layer. A Vue.js single-page app, using the Nuxt framework.

Open5e site repoOpen5e API Repo

Support us on Patreon

Help keep our digital lights on and keep this site ad-free We count on donations and patrons to pay for our server costs, and to fund an increasing effort to fill out flavor text and add art.

Become a patron! Keep Open5e ad free!

Join the Discord

Join us to chat, talk about development, and share neat homebrew. We don't bite!

Join our discord


The Open5e API includes all monsters and spells from the SRD and other OGL sources as well as a search API, so you can easily access any part of the SRD from your app or website.

Bugs & Issues

If you notice a bug or want to make a suggestion, join us on Discord to talk about it. Our discord is a place to talk about the redesign as well as rules, tools, art, gaming in general, or anything else on your mind!